Wilderness Ranch
WROA Public Works Committee (includes Water & Roads)
Send an email about WR water to the Public Works Committee
Committee members
Kenny Everhart (Public Works Director)
Ed Wuelfing (Chair)
Sandy Moser 
Jane Snively
Bill Snively
James Pimley (Board Liaison)
The Public Works committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the WR Fire Protection District Meeting room (unless otherwise designated on upcoming events).
Water Emergencies
If you discover a water leak or observe a flashing warning light at a pump station, please report it to the Water Committee immediately at water@wildernessranch.net.
Water Policy
Click here to see the revised Water Users Policy.
Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for Wastewater Discharges From Idaho Drinking Water Treatment Facilities
Summary of owner survey regarding water infrastructure presentation
"High-level" Summary Handout
Technical facility plan from Mountain Waterworks
Mountain Waterworks PowerPoint Presentation Files
Part 1: Corrosion Control Study-Completed
Part 2: System Complexity Overview
Part 3: South side Tanks & Components
Part 4: North side Tanks & Components
Part 5: Pressure Reducing Tanks
Part 6: Conditions Assessment
Part 7: System Deficiencies
Part 8: Water Treatment Plant Projects
Part 9: Water Storage Projects
Part 10: Distribution Station Projects
Part 11: Booster Station Projects
Part 12: Costs and Impacts to Rates
Water Notices
Homeowners Membership Meeting
Consumer Confidence Report
Boil or Bottled Water Orders
If a boil or bottled water order is issued to notify residents of potential contamination, it will be done so by placing notice at the mail center.  Boil or bottled water orders will remain in effect until testing confirms that no contamination entered the system.  Subscribers to InstantWatch! will also be notified via e-mail whenever there is a problem with the water system.
The majority of your WROA dues support the operation and maintenance of our water system. The water system is also supported via user fees; each lot that is connected to the system will receive a monthly (or bimonthly) bill for water used on that lot. The water bill is based in 1000-gallon increments. The water bill is due on receipt and is past due after 25 days. Bills are estimated during the winter months when water meters are not accessible.  Once meters are again accessible, a reconciliation bill is sent based on actual readings.
Water Conservation Measures
Saving water makes sense for a number of reasons. Conservation is critical to ensure that we all have water for our essential household needs and fire protection. In addition, conserving water means we will all pay less to pump water up the hill, and with ever-increasing hikes in power rates, that means more cost savings for all of us, not to mention saving wear and tear on the water delivery system.
Below you will find some tips on how you can help keep our water use to a minimum. We're all in this together, so thanks in advance for your cooperation.
  • Run drip systems for your landscaping and gardening needs. Drip systems are 50% more efficient than sprinkler systems, and they get the water right where the plant needs it the most.
  • Run automatic sprinklers and running them at night. Day use not only adds a load to our water system when we need it the most, but during the heat of the day a large percentage of water is lost to evaporation.
  • Check sprinkler heads for flow rate settings. If possible, use 3 GPM or even 1 GPM heads. Remember, you only need about an inch of water every other night to sustain grass.
  • Review the type of grass you have. If possible, sow in more drought-resistant grasses.
  • Run your dishwasher only when full and, if possible, turn the dishwasher on before you go to bed when water demand is lower.
  • Take quick showers instead of baths. Baths can use up to 30-40 gallons of water. A quick shower can use half that amount.
  • Replace existing shower heads with low-flow, high-pressure nozzles. Very good 2.0 & 2.5 GPM flow rate heads are available.
  • Use low-volume toilets (1-3 gal/flush vs. 5-10 gal/flush).
  • Never run an open garden hose. Always have a shut off nozzle on the end to save water when not used for specific reason.
  • If operating an evaporative cooler (swamp cooler) during hot weather, be sure to install new pads, and make sure the pump and float level are adjusted properly to avoid overflow.
  • Repair leaky faucets and running toilets promptly.
  • Last but not least, always be on the lookout for water leaks from the Wilderness Ranch distribution system. If you find a leak on your property, isolate your main line and make repairs. If you notice a leak on other Ranch property, or you can't handle a leak on your property, please contact our water department at water@wildernessranch.net for assistance.
Negative Easement Enforcement Issue
March 31, 2015, Order Granting Permanent Injunction
1996 Negative Easement Document
Interested In a Description of WROA's Water System?
Click here to view the March 2001 Wilderness Watch for an overview
Click here to view the April 2001 Wilderness Watch for a description of the system's main components
Click here to view the May 2001 Wilderness Watch for the system's function and dynamics on the South side
Click here to view the August 2001 Wilderness Watch for the system's function and dynamics on the North side
Click here to view WROA's final water rights from the February 2002 Wilderness Watch
Click here to view the Treatment Plant Negative Easement document
Click here to view the Master Plan for the Ranch's water treatment facility
Click here to view water conversion factors