Wilderness Ranch
New Owner Info
A Message From the Welcoming Committee to All New Owners/Residents
Welcome to Wilderness Ranch! We’re pleased you’ve chosen to become a member of our unique mountain community.  
We recommend that you take a moment to register for the online membership directory so you have access to the “member only” areas of this website and will receive InstantWatch e-mail messages. These messages notify owners/residents about road conditions, known water system problems, and other issues that need immediate attention. You will not receive these e-mails unless you have registered for the online directory.
Living in the mountains brings many things to enjoy, such as tranquil walks along Common Area trails, the beauty of forested terrain, and abundant wildlife right in your own yard. Living in the mountains also brings challenges, such as keeping your property safe from fire. You’ll want to check out all the fire prevention and safety information available on the Firewise Committee page of this site. Another challenge is learning to drive on our roads. Here are a few basic tips that we hope will make your experiences on Ranch roads much easier on you and all residents:
  • The speed limit on all Ranch roads is 15 mph. In some places, it's wise to drive more slowly.
  • The roads are muddy in the spring, dusty in the summer, and slippery in the winter. Be mindful of changing road conditions, and drive accordingly.
  • The roads are often occupied by people and animals who aren't in vehicles. Keep your eyes open and your speed down.
  • 4-wheel drive is highly advised.
  • Winter tires and tire chains are absolutely necessary when the roads are snowy/icy.
  • When traction fails, there is no good place to pull over and chain up, and this often results in bent vehicles and traffic jams in the most precarious and dangerous sections of a roadway. If someone needs help, lend them a hand if it is safe to do so.
US Mail:  United States Postal Service mail is delivered to our Mail Center at the bottom of Rush Creek Road. It's open 24 hours a day, and mail is stored in small, locked boxes. New residents should receive their mailbox key from the previous property owner. In the event you need replacement mailbox key, please contact Bill Snively. There is a small charge for lock and key replacement.
Website: Be sure to explore all areas of this website. You should find answers to most of your questions and maybe learn a thing or two about Ranch living. If you can't find what you're looking for, contact the site administrator through the WR Contacts link at the top of this page.
Volunteering: It is important for you to know that almost all of the work around the Ranch is performed by volunteers on various committees, including the Road Committee, Water Committee, Common Area Committee, Architectural Control Committee, Facilities Committee, Welcoming Committee, and Communications Committee. As new owners, we encourage you to think about becoming a volunteer. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, as well as improve and enhance the services and surroundings that make this such a beautiful place to live.
We hope you’ll enjoy calling Wilderness Ranch your home as much as we do. Welcome!
If you have any questions, contact a member of the Welcoming Committee using the WR Contacts link.